
Blue Lake Township fiscal year ends June 30.� We have 5 Government funds.

The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the Township.� At the end of the 2015 fiscal year, unreserved fund balance of the General Fund and the total fund balance was $273,090.� Unreserved fund balance represents 178 percent of total general fund annual expenditures.� The fund balance of the Township�s general fund decreased by $46,871 during the fiscal year mainly because of a transfer of $75,000 to the Improvement Fund�

The Improvement fund is a revolving fund maintained by the Township to pay for any type of improvements in the township.� Oil and gas royalties and lease of land for the Version Cellular communications tower (located on Township property behind the Fire Barn) generates the majority of revenues for this fund.�� At the end of the current fiscal year the total fund balance was $109,807 increasing by $85,126 during the current fiscal year.